Category: A Blog Writer’s Observations
Is Wales the ‘Temu’ of International Rugby?
In a World where you get what you pay for, is Wales the ‘Temu’ of International Rugby? That’s it. I’m done. Am I just an incorrigible fantasist? An incurable optimist? A hopeless romantic of immense magnitude? I’m sure I could come up with a mouthful of other platitudes. Actually I’m more of a middle aged…
The Latest Fashion Trend To Avoid: Dry Robe W*nkers!
The latest fashion trend to avoid, in my humble opinion, of course! My mother has adopted yet another Olympic sport as an octogenarian. At almost 83 she’s unstoppable! Sky diving, zip wiring, climbing, the list is endless. And now she has taken up cold water swimming. Yes! In the sea and in January! Anyway, last…