About Me

About me

Top Secret!

Pam. V Dew – eccentric blog writer – a woman barely alive –

Can we rebuild her?

Does the NHS have the technology?

About Me - Sian Llewellyn
About Me - Sian Llewellyn

Hi I’m Pam V Dew

“Carbon based, bipedal X chromosome’d life-form descended from an ape.” I’m a frustrated comedic writer, self confessed petrol head and widowed mum to 4 grown up kids…..when I say grown up I mean very loosely since the apple never falls very far from the tree does it?

I have my own butler called Mark and a geriatric, fur covered appendage thinly disguised as a cat named Misty.

Half mechanic, half creative, restorer of Victorian houses and holder of very unpopular opinions, many of which I aim to inflict upon you here. Occasionally the Welsh Government let me out and permit me to teach entrepreneurial skills to young adults. Those of a nervous disposition may want to exit stage left now….

Feel free to send me suggestions for gripes…I mean blogs. I may read them. On the other had I may be too busy vacuuming up cat fur and crocheting root vegetables!

That’s nearly all about me except…….

Ripped pieces of letters spelling the word blog


I’m not Pam! My real name is Sian Llewellyn but you’ll probably only get the joke if you speak Welsh. If not then oops, sorry, you’ll have to work it out because it would be a dreadful pity to ruin the suspense.

Thanks for stopping by, now go on, get stuck in!