The Blog Writer’s Guide To Reality

Welcome to my life.

A blog writer’s guide to reality.

Here you will find an “achterbahn” style journal, where I’ll take you on the equivalent of the Santa Pod quarter mile drag through the twisted lanes of my mind.

There are crazy and irreverent observations of my world with a side order of cynicism and a sprinkle of scorn. Whether you find yourself nodding in agreement, snorting with laughter, or shaking your fist incandescent with rage, I hope you’ll see the funny side.

The Blog Writer's Guide to reality - two women on a rollercoaster ride, one laughing one petrified
A roller coaster

Are you ready to embark on a rollercoaster ride through the f***ed up world of my blog?

A fundamental tenet of an open and democratic society is allowing individuals to comment freely on matters of public interest. Here I aim to do just that with a little added tongue in cheek acerbity and sarcasm. Remember, being offended is a choice!

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So buckle up and prepare for a journey that promises to be more regaling than trying to teaching a cat algebra!

Get In Touch!

If you would like me to tackle a topic, with my indomitable wit and sarcasm, send me a message. Alternatively, pop onto my Instagram.

©The Blog Writer’s Guide To Reality

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