Taxi For Sunak! I can’t hide my delight!

Thank F*** For That!
Alleluia! There is a God. Finally, they’re out! That lying bunch of corrupt, vicious, festering, greedy, immoral, depraved, licentious, putrid, vile, degenerate, unprincipled gits who put this country through the mincer and robbed it of everything that was good.
Shock News: I’m Not a Tory!

As I sit here watching a very refined gentleman in a tailcoat kicking Rishi up the arse all the way out of the tradesman door, I think it’s time to reflect upon the legacy of the outgoing Conservative Government.
The Tories, what a bunch of self-serving, eye wateringly wealthy, morally bankrupt, unrepentant arseholes! They spent the last 14 years making this country look like it has been run by a galleon of pirates!
We now have ZERO Tory MPs in Wales. So whilst I’m finding it hard not to gloat, it sounds like Sophie Raworth is also struggling to disguise her delight. She’s sadly failing too, as the joy in her voice is palpable.
Taxi For Sunak!
I have only one thing left to say. “Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out”. Anyway, I’m exhausted. If you need me I’ll be under the Houses of Parliament removing my hand grenades and explosives! You didn’t really think I was going to tolerate another moment of this hell did you?
If you have not taken offence at my political ramblings and feel like sampling more of my satirical blogging delights, why not check out my website here. If you have taken offence, better not click the link, there’s more where that came from!
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